Meet your local representative for NDIS Plan Management

About the NDIS in Albany WA
Western Australia’s City of Albany has a population of around 37,500. Situated on the coast, Albany is approximately 420km south-east of Perth. It is proudly known to be one of the oldest settlements in WA. Local industry includes timber, agriculture, and, with Albany’s beautiful natural wonders, tourism.
The NDIS rolled out in Albany and the surrounding areas from the 1st July 2019. NDIS partners in the Great Southern Region of WA cover a wide area including the City of Albany, and the shires of Broomehill-Tambellup, Cranbrook, Denmark, Gnowangerup, Jerramungup, Katanning, Kent, Kojonup, Plantagenet and Woodanilling.
Local NDIS Contacts
Local Area Coordinator
APM Office
108 Stirling Terrace
Visit APM Website
Ph: 1300 276 522
ECEI Contact
Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) – Wansley Family Services are the ECEI partners in the Great Southern region. ECEI partners are appointed by the NDIA to assist families understand the NDIS and offer independent advice on providers of support most suited to their needs.
26 Prior St
Centennial Park
Ph: (08) 9843 0077
Visit Website
Other Local Recommended Contacts
Individual Disability Advocacy Service (IDAS) are based in Albany and provide a free and confidential advocacy service for people with disabilities, their family members and carers. IDAS also assist people with disabilities to self advocate.
125 Grey Street West
Ph: (08) 9842 8566 Freecall: 1800 60 60 60
Visit Website
Carers WA offer a range of services, advocacy and support for families in the local region.
Albany Carer Centre
Martin Road
Ph: 1300 227 377 | Mob: 0400 840 611
NDIS Providers in the Albany Region
In the Great Southern region of WA there is a good mix of NDIS registered and non-registered providers offering a full range of services. Along with a growing need for specialist services in the region there are a number of new providers moving into the area providing greater choice. Your local NDIS plan management Albany representative Debbie has formed many important links with local providers in and around the region, many of whom can be found by doing an ‘Albany’ search via our Plan Managed portal.
Working with Local Area Coordinators & other key contacts in the Albany Region
We fully understand that working collaboratively within the local area is in the best interest of our NDIS plan management clients. This includes forging great working relationships with our Local Area Coordinators, Support Coordinators, NDIA planners and the many small and large service providers. These partnerships have successfully been formed better-assisting families and individuals navigate within the NDIS, with many success stories to report only goes to prove that excellent working relationships are paramount in assisting NDIS participants to discover their own path.
The LAC’s have been, and still are, a great resource for families and individuals. The LAC’s are extremely approachable and with their vast knowledge they are able to assist with any queries surrounding the NDIS. On request, the LAC’s also provide the opportunity for an implementation meeting to assist a person to get started with utilizing their NDIS plan.
NDIS support for those living in remote areas
2020 has seen considerable advancement in Telehealth within the home. This type of E-health has now expanded into the area of therapy consultations such as Occupational Therapy, Counselling, Speech Therapy, etc. which is especially useful for families living more remotely. This is a positive advancement in reaching more individuals who would otherwise miss out on these type of therapeutic interventions and for younger people who are fully attuned to this type of communication.