Meet your local representative for NDIS Plan Management

About the NDIS in Perth WA
Perth WA
Possessing the title of most isolated city in the world, the city of Perth is divided by the beautiful Swan River. Approximately 2.1 million people now reside here. Perth has benefited from the Western Australian mining boom. Also, it is the administrative and business centre for the oil and gas industry in W.A.
NDIS began to roll out in Perth in 1st July 2017 and continued through to July 2019.
Local NDIS Contacts
Local Area Coordination (LAC)
The partner for Local area Coordination is Mission Australia in the following areas:
– Central North Metro
– South East Metro
– North East Metro
And APM in:
– North Metro
– Central South Metro
– South Metro
Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI)
The partner who is delivering ECEI to NDIS participants is Wanslea Family Services