About the NDIS in Canberra ACT
More than 80 000 Canberrans identify as people with a disability. The NDIS commenced rollout in the ACT on 1 July 2014. As of December 2023, 10, 748 people were accessing and benefiting from the scheme according to the NDIS website. Sarah is locally based and will service all of Canberra and regional surrounds.
Local Area Coordination (LAC)
Feros Care provide Local Area coordination in Canberra Region
Ph: 1300 986 970
Location: suite 4/2-6 Shea St, Phillip ACT 2606
Early Childhood Early Intervention Partner (ECEI)
EACH are the ECEI partner for the Canberra Region
The Early Childhood Approach service helps families with children aged 0 – 8 with assistance, advice and access to support in your local community.
Ph: 1300 003 224
Email: info@each.com.au