Do Support Coordinators need to be Registered with the NDIS?

August 22nd, 2021

Do Support Coordinators need to be registered with the NDIS? This is a question we are often asked.

There appears to be one particular ‘grey area’ within the NDIS which seems to have remained this way from inception: ‘Does Support Coordination need to be NDIA-Managed?’ In fact,  after referral to a number of disability advocacy services the consensus appears to be this choice belongs to the participant or their representative. Furthermore, the question around how a participant would like their Support Coordination to be managed is not specifically being asked. Therefore, in reality, this decision is being squarely taken out of participants’ hands during the planning process.

Question to be Asked

When developing an NDIS Plan, a participant will be asked how they would like their Plan to be managed, the choice being one of three options, or alternatively a combination of options, these being: NDIA-Managed, Plan Managed or Self Managed. Should a participant or their representative request some or all components of their plan to be Plan Managed, the question still needs to be asked:

‘How would you like your Support Coordination to be managed?

If this question is not asked, then by default your Support Coordination will automatically become listed as being ‘NDIA-Managed.’

In this case participants are now restricted to NDIS-registered only providers, which greatly diminishes flexibility, choice and control over. Support Coordinators do not need to be NDIS registered. However, the only way participants can link in with their preferred provider is to ask for their Support Coordination to be Plan Managed.

Participants have an overall say during the development of their plan as they know their own individual needs and circumstances best. Participants and their representatives are their own strongest advocates. However, should they feel the need for additional support to get the plan right from the start, there are a number of specialized advocacy support services more than willing to assist.

Participant Feedback

As a Plan Management representative, I am hearing some families saying that they don’t feel comfortable putting their support coordination with the same agency providing the day to day supports.  Once again, by choosing Plan Management, participants can deviate off track by sourcing and tapping into a much larger pool of service providers. While working alongside a participant, a Support Coordinator’s role with Plan Managed plans can also include checking and approving invoices.

Furthermore, on a participants behalf, they direct day to day support services and provide supports around capacity building. All in all, still firmly placing the participant in full control. Alternatively, participants can choose to self-coordinate, in which case there may be no additional funding deemed necessary to cover this component due to requesting to manage this area themselves.

Reasonable and Necessary

It is common for participants new to the NDIS to be hearing that Support Coordination will not necessarily be ongoing in subsequent plans. Participants should not be too concerned with these types of statements. Should this component be deemed Reasonable and Necessary, then there will be a good case for ongoing Support Coordination to be included.

It is essential for participants to prepare well before each plan review. Participants must articulate clearly why supports are needed and ask for what they need and want. Therefore, giving themselves the best opportunity to realize personal lifelong fulfilling goals and outcomes.

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Ross McDonald

Ross is the CEO and founder of Capital Guardians. He has an extensive career in financial management and tech solutions development. Having first created Capital Guardians as a solution for aged care over a decade ago, so his expertise in payments and invoicing for people in protected settings is second to none.

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